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What Is the 5D Shift?

What Is the 5D Shift?

It’s been prophesied throughout history and known by many names;

The Shift, The Event, Ascension to 5D, New Earth, Age of Aquarius, New Golden Age, Shift of the Ages, Day of the Lord, and the Rapture.

It generally describes a transition to a higher state of being, of eternal peace and prosperity.

Pleiadians teach us that this duality experience has been school for Souls, not a prison.

This duality experience has been preparing humans to be a galactic civilization.

Ascension brings a new consciousness that allows many hidden truths to be known, and for humans to interact with advanced extraterrestrial races.

Ascension isn’t caused by a solar flash or arbitrarily by the end of a cosmic cycle.

It’s a plan by Pleiadians and Galactic Federation, and a gift that has been given to many worlds who reach the point of readiness.

Pleiadians say that the generations alive on Earth currently are the ones who will experience it.

Human Starseeds and Earth-native souls will experience the Shift together, but Earth’s ascension is primary for the benefit of Earth-native souls.

Incarnated Starseeds are already β€œascended” beings who volunteer for each human incarnation and return home after death.

Ascension ends the death and reincarnation process on Earth forever, and gives humans many new abilities.

Galactic Federation have assisted many worlds to ascend, but humans are special because so many of their members have been part of Earth’s story, incarnating hundreds or thousands of times each.

Pleiadians love humans like children, and call Earth β€œKishapolee”, which translates to β€˜Child Of Mine’.

Source: Family of Taygeta (What is the Shift?)

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