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Understanding the 5D Body

Understanding the 5D Body

Also called the “body electric” or “electromagnetic body,” the etheric level of the self includes the aura, chakras and meridians, points of concentrated energy located throughout the physical body.

Unlike the astral body, the etheric level is consistently at a higher frequency than the physical.

While the colors of the astral plane can appear harsh and vivid, colors of the etheric plane tend to be like soft pastels. [...]

The etheric body contains a blueprint of the physical body.

Many physical conditions, including illnesses, originate in the etheric body blueprint and then eventually precipitate down into physicality.

As you ascend, the etheric body becomes more and more accessible, until it is the dominant level of expression in your life.

The fifth density state of consciousness involves your physical body becoming One with your etheric body.

Your physical body then undergoes a transformation, becoming immortal and impervious to the environment.

Eventually, as you continue to evolve into the etheric planes, your body takes on a shiny, crystalline structure.

This is why teachers of ascension talk about “building your etheric crystal light body.”

Before the crystal light body can become fully formed, there must already be a great deal of integration among the various levels of the soul.

The physical, emotional, mental and astral levels must be almost completely healed.

However, you do not need to be perfect in every way in order to ascend.

The requirements for ascension have been relaxed due to the current Divine Dispensation. [Editor's note: essentially, the upcoming Shift.]

There are many techniques for changing the etheric blueprint of the soul.

Once the blueprint is reprogrammed for health and vitality, it does not take long for the physical body to respond.

This is why energetic healing techniques, such as Reiki, Reconnection and acupressure, are so effective when properly applied. [...]

The etheric body goes out of balance due to traumas.

Intense experiences, including accidents, sexual abuse, torture, violent acts, and the like, can imprint themselves into the etheric body, eventually affecting all the other lower bodies as well.

Therefore, many techniques designed to heal the emotions and mind are also appropriate for healing the etheric body.

These include aura clearing, chakra balancing, rebirthing, primal therapy, bioenergetics, Quantum Touch, Theta healing, and more.

Source: Sal Rachele (Soul Integration)

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