Starseeds tend to feel as though they do not belong on Earth, that they are outsiders — weird, unusual, or misfits.
They feel somewhere else is home, yet they usually cannot put their finger on where.
If they were to remember everything, it might be hard to remain on Earth because they would probably miss their soul family and friends from other places.
People frequently ask this channel where they are from.
You are from God, you are from the universe.
Most of you have lived hundreds, if not thousands of lifetimes on different planets and dimensions throughout the galaxy.
Some of you have had lifetimes in other galaxies.
A few of you are experiencing your first lifetime on Earth, but the majority have had dozens of lifetimes here, including being alive during the ending of major civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria.
Your DNA is a composite of every place you have been as a soul.
Contained within what your scientists call “junk” DNA are the configurations of Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, and many other star systems.
As you ascend, you will begin to remember your lifetimes on the planets associated with these and other stars.
Source: Sal Rachele (Soul Integration)