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Law of One Explained

Law of One Explained

The Law of One is the basic operating principle that holds together the fabric of the multiverse.

It is the Law from which all other Natural Laws stem.

Its core tenant expresses that all sentience emanates from one singular energetic Source, and that it is all interconnected.

To expound a bit more on the subject of oneness:

  1. Everything and everyone across all universes is connected. There is no separation. You are they, and they are You.
  2. Everything that exists contains an eternal God spark, and everything plays a role in the play of life. If the Original Source were to blink out for even a fraction of a second, everything would disappear.
  3. We exist as infinite individual expressions of one shared consciousness. We are all one singular thought in the Mind of God.
  4. We are all energy, eternal beings living out a temporary existence. We do not expire upon the shedding of the form. We continue on forever.
  5. Everything exists and is happening within the eternal Now. The past and future only exist as constructs of linear time. Now is truly the only moment there is.
  6. Love is the core essence of all things, and is the tie that binds all things together.

We are one life, one heart, one soul, one mind, one being, one light, one love.

Source: The Diamond Heart Matrix (Law of One)

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