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Attract Abundance with Gratitude

Attract Abundance with Gratitude

Certain radiant energies form such perfect geometric shapes that they act as keys to open doors of universal abundance.

Gratitude and blessings are two of these radiant energies.

So are other higher ascension qualities like faith, unconditional love and trust.

When the sacred geometry of our thought is a perfect match for the divine thought, the universe responds with an outpouring of abundance in alignment with our soul’s desire.

As above, so below. [...]

When we are grateful for something, more of that good thing comes to us.

So, if for example you have a small garden and would like a bigger one, make what you have as beautiful as possible.

Appreciate every tiny bit of it.

That is the sure way of attracting a bigger one from the universe.

You have shown you deserve it and are grateful.

If you would like to do more interesting work, put your heart and soul into the tasks you are given.

Your enthusiasm will light up your aura and draw in work that brings you soul satisfaction.

If you would be glad of greater prosperity, appreciate every single thing you can afford.

Say thanks for every pound in your bank account.

Your gratitude magnetizes more.

You get a new job.

You have a baby.

You buy a house.

How do you respond?

Are you ready to open your heart and say, β€˜Thank you, I’ll do my very best’?

Responsibility is a gift that offers you the opportunity to respond to the universe.

It is a chance to show gratitude.

Genuine gratitude is an abundance tool.

Be grateful for all that you have and more will flow to you.

There are two archangels who can assist you to expand your chakras so that you are able to feel genuine appreciation.

Ask Archangel Chamuel to expand your heart so that you really can give heartfelt thanks for your experiences.

Ask Archangel Gabriel to raise the frequency of your base and sacral chakras to the fifth dimension, for it is when you feel safe, secure and trusting that you are ready to give genuine thanks for all you have.

Source: Diana Cooper (The Archangel Guide to Ascension: 55 Steps to the Light)

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